Auto & Work Injury Treatments
Thorough Auto & Work Injury Treatment
Whether you work in a factory or sit in an office all day long, work injuries are common. If your neck pains due to constant sitting or you get a sudden back sprain while working at the plant, chiropractic treatment is the solution to your discomfort.
Infinite Chiropractic and Regenerative Medicine's team is the leading experts in Auto Collision care. From Chiropractic care, cold laser, on-site X-ray and Joint Injections, we got you covered. We've also been through additional training to make sure your Attorney has what they need to get their job done.

Infinite Chiropractic has been providing exceptional chiropractic care for 21 years, treating conditions such as low back and neck pain, arm or leg tingling, slipped disc syndromes and more that are related to workplace injury.
Schedule an appointment to visit us for your auto or work injury.
Auto & Work Injuries May Lead to These Conditions
- Low back pain
- Disc herniation (slipped disc)
- Pinched nerves into the arms or legs
- Headaches
- Neck and upper back pain

Muscle Work