Centralia's New Shoulder Expert for Chronic Shoulder Problems
Centralia's New Shoulder Expert for Chronic Shoulder Problems

Chronic shoulder problems often result in the body compensating to save pain or joint instability. Depending on how long you've had shoulder pain there may even be layers of compensations with your condition. Areas of compensation can range from areas to the low back to headaches. At Infinite Chiropractic, Dr. Schultz doesn't just look at the shoulder problem itself, but he evaluates all the areas involved to see the full extent of your shoulder condition including:
- scapular movement patterns
- strength of muscles that cross the shoulder joint
- impingement of nerves in the area
- compensations the unaffected shoulder might display
- bursitis
- other involved tissues such as ligaments, tendons and fascia

Doctor Schultz is a leading expert in shoulder problems and welcomes the 'tough cases'. Call us today for an evaluation with your Chronic Shoulder problem.
Shoulder Problems and Chiropractic Centralia & Chehalis
Doctor Darin dealt with a broken shoulder for 22 years from an injury he sustained while in the Marine Corps and understands shoulder problems first hand.
Chiropractic can have a unique advantage in fixing shoulder issues over some other health professions. Besides chiropractic being non-invasive, it is also very cost effective. When it comes to shoulder issues, the same applies. Because chiropractic care often deals with alignment of joints, the shoulder is a prime candidate for misalignment since it is the joint that has more range of motion than any other. You give up stability for more motion.

There are many muscles and ligaments involved with the shoulder. But when you get right down to it, you can see that where the arm attached to the shoulder is not really a socket, it is more like a golf ball on a tee. That is where many problems start. When a shoulder mis-aligns, it often results in pain, weakness or loss of motion (frozen shoulder).
Proper alignment can solve many shoulder problems. Identifying shoulder compensations for its misalignment is an integral part of getting you back full strength without the pain! For relief of shoulder pain in Vancouver, start by clicking the links below or call us today at 360.695.4041
Rotator Cuff Problems
Rotator cuff injuries are the most common mis-diagnosed shoulder problem. Just because a shoulder is painful or weak doesn't mean there is a rotator cuff injury. Proper diagnosis requires an MRI to confirm a tear and there are many conditions that mimic Rotator cuff injuries such as:
- a shoulder misalignment causing joint dysfunction and weakness
- pinched nerves in the neck causing shoulder pain
- shoulder blade fixation leading to loss of shoulder motion
- upper back muscle spasm that restricts shoulder blade motion
- compensation patterns from somewhere else
- referred pain from the neck or other trigger points
- scar tissue in muscle fascia restricting motion
Proper diagnosis of your condition could keep your from having a costly surgery that often requires a long, long recovery. Many shoulder surgeries, even with today's technological advantages, can leave patients with a permanent disability percentage. Getting a second opinion from your chiropractor could save you lots of money at time and chiropractic care is non-invasive and extremely cost effective in comparison.

Dr. Schultz is a leading expert in the shoulder with first hand experience of a multitude of shoulder problems that has helped him understand how to successfully treat shoulder conditions. Call us today for an evaluation to see if chiropractic care is a good option for your shoulder problem.
Post Surgery Shoulder Rehab
Doctor Schultz dealt with a broken shoulder for over 20 years from an injury he sustained during his enlistment with the Marine Corps in 1992. He suffered multiple dislocation of the shoulder until he became a doctor and then went over a decade without a dislocation. Finally, in 2013 his broken shoulder finally gave out and surgery was necessary. Doctor Darin understands firsthand how to deal with a surgically repaired shoulder.
After a shoulder surgery patients need to see a good Physical Therapist and usually for a few months, depending on the surgery that was performed. PT is important to maximize the future use of the arm and reduce permanent disability percentage. Physical therapy is a must. Chiropractic care can often be a good compliment to the PT to allow the possibility of maximum arm and shoulder strength to assist in the exercises your PT has prescribed.

A simplified explanation on the science of how chiropractic increases strength is the idea of pinching a nerve in the spine disrupts the bio-electric energy that the brain delivers to the muscle. Think of it like a walkie-talkie with static in the signal vs. a clear signal.
If the signal the brain is sending (and receiving) to the shoulder is clear, the better chance of maximum strength and better chance of healing is possible when recieving care from your physical therapist.
Doctor Schultz is happy to work as a team member to assist you back to maximum health with your recovery. For an evaluation to see if we can help call us today.
Preventing Shoulder Dislocation - Centralia Wa Shoulder Expert
People who've had multiple shoulder dislocation have an anatomical disadvantage due to the stress the shoulder has been through. Sometimes there are methods to help prevent dislocations and/or delay the need for surgery. If you've had multiple dislocations of your shoulder it can often feel like your shoulder is 'loose' or 'hanging by a thread'. Doctor Schultz is no stranger to that feeling. He managed to go over a decade without a dislocation after having 5 dislocations in seven years (before becoming a doctor himself).

Most dislocation are the "Anterior/Inferior" type meaning down and forward. There are often techniques that can help keep the alignment of the shoulder even if its been compromised from multiple dislocations. Chiropractic can help by adjustments, manual therapies of shoulder muscle and stabilizing exercises.

Short term help for a recent dislocated shoulder can come from bracing or taping. Physical therapy is often recommended after a dislocation.
Call us today to see if chiropractic care can help with your shoulder issues.
Shoulder Impingement Syndrome and Chiropractic
Pain related to impingement usually occurs in the front and the side and often radiate all the way to the elbow. Typically, the pain is aggravated by overhead activity and is worse at night. Patients often report a clicking or popping sensation in the affected shoulder.
Evaluation of the alignment of the shoulder can be an integral factor of some impingement syndromes. Many other factors needs to be explored such as bursitis and inflammation. But often times alignment of the collarbone, arm socket or even muscles that are inflamed can be reduced to lessen the symptoms.
Doctor Schultz is a leading expert of shoulder conditions and will work with you and other health care practitioner as a collaborative team to get you better as quick as possible.